Barside Gatherings
or “BSide” for short
“BSide” because we all stand beside each other when we are behind the bar
bside is a Sustainable Events project
that focuses on hyper locality and accessibility for any and every bar community in the world.
Each event hosts a bar item related exchange, provides education, and the oppurtunity for the community to connect with one another
it was formed from the beleif that by working and learning together today we can make a better tomorrow.
Built on 4 pillars of sustainability
Gathering, mingling, creating, learning, bonding, connecting
physical + eNVIRONMENTAL
Diverting and prolonging the life of products that would otherwise enter the landfill
Providing education and opportunity to learn life skills for free to bartenders
Supporting and paying local Artisans, Professionals, and Charities. Paying volunteers for their time. Providing learning opportunities that could be commodified

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upcoming events
Learn about the BSide events that are up and coming
Learn about the BSide events that have come to pass
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Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!